Saturday, 23 October 2010


So 3rd year is here already! ... how time flies when you're working hard!
First project back and I had to build an environment using Maya
Never used Maya before so it was a bit of a challenge getting used to the interface etc. but it was a nice project to get used to the programme ... bit annoying at times, but still

I didn't want to go with the typical boring building and simple backdrop design for my environment so I decided to design a funky, Tim Burton inspired Tree House instead

Here's a couple of Pre-Viz's I made for the Tree House so you get an idea of the design and mood I was going for with my environment:

I like the rain and lightning Pre-Viz but I thought I'd go with the purple sky Pre-Viz instead because there's a better contrast so it makes the Tree stand out more

Here's a video showing Turnarounds of different passes etc. and a slightly dodgy Fly-Through of my environment:

Tree House Environment from Aled Matthews on Vimeo.

If anyone's interested what Maps I used for each part of my environment, here they are:





Mini Trees:

