They've been taking a lot longer than they should have because as a Director these 2 models aren't the only things I need to spend my days working on, so most days I don't even get to do my own work ... but at least it's getting there and the film is looking real nice! :)
Here are some WIP images for the 2 models starting with my favourite, the Big Alien:
- Alien only has a basic Diffuse Map with Ambient Occlusion
- Only the Body has been textured so far, not the Hooks or Bracelet
- Been working on Normal Maps with xNormal, really nice programme but still need some tweaks to the Maps, so they haven't been included in these images
And then the beast of a Spaceship:
- Only Diffuse Maps again for the spaceship
- Ambient Occlusion doesn't work nicely while projecting onto the UV unwrap so it will be added later on as a separate render pass
- Some textures are only there as placeholders at the moment, like the objects below the spaceship
- The giant rock mountain looks pretty gross right now! ... I've had trouble unwrapping it because it's so high poly and I should have unwrapped it while it was still a box (silly me) but at least I know for next time now, so I've been trying a procedural map, and failing at the moment, so the rock texture will definitely be changed!!